Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm kinda over ads

When I was a kid, ads dictated what I wanted. I based my decisions on TV episode previews, LEGO Magazine comics, and videogame billboards.

Today, reviews dictate what I want. Before buying a spoon, I find out the most important criteria a good spoon should satisfy, and I find objective data on how well any given spoon adheres to those criteria. Then I wait a month, to avoid impulse buys.

Today, when I look at an ad on purpose, it's because I'm hoping that it'll give me concise, objective information. Give me the pros and cons of your product, and I can skip that step in my research process. It rarely works out that way, so I rarely look at ads on purpose. (Unless they're funny.)

Here's my ideal ad. It's informative, entertaining, and objective about the app it's advertising. After watching the ad, I don't need to look at a review, because I learned everything there is to know from the video.

That ad is five years old. The guy who made it stopped making iPhone apps and started making ads for other people. Maybe he's onto something?

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